
Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

[Event] Hillside Restaurant & Cafe Opening Ceremony

hi readers! In this post I will do some review about the opening ceremony of new Hillside Restaurant and Cafe in Palembang
Hai readers! Postingan kali ini saya akan membahas tentang pembukaan Hill Side Resto & Cafe di Palembang.  

By the way, I could be there because I was invited by my friends, Belliani Bebe. This opening event was held on December, 8th 2014. it is located at Taman Kenten rd, Palembang. the location is very near with the famous Pempek 888 and Futsal field. 
Saya bisa hadir kesini karena diajak oleh teman saya- +belliani bebe . Grand opening ini berlangsung pada hari Senin tanggal 8 Desember lalu. Lokasinya di Jl. Taman Kenten. Dekat banget loh sama lapangan futsal dan Pempek 888. 

So, This is the invitation card from Hillside Restaurant and Cafe

Surprisingly, the invitation card that I bought can be changed with Princess Syahrini Karaoke' IDR 50.000,- voucher. It can be changed at service table. hihi I am so happy that I could get the free voucher. 
 Undangannya boleh dibawa untuk ditukarkan voucher Princess Syahrini Karoke sebesar IDR 50.000,-. Undangannya bisa ditukar saat dimeja tamu. hihi saya sangat senang bisa dapetin voucher karoke itu. hhe

the food which  served was very varied. there are some snacks and some heavy meals like rice, fried rice, Malbi, friend chicken, mango chili and Pindang Tulang which is one of traditional cuisine of Palembang. 
Makanan yang disajikan beragam. Ada makanan kecil dan makanan berat. Makanan beratnya ada nasi putih & nasi goreng. Malbi, ayam, Cabai buah mangga dan Pindang tulang yang merupakan salah satu makanan khas dari Palembang. 

Makanan Berat

 Meanwhile, the snacks were cendol ice, cakes, pempek and lemper. For you to know that it is Palembang's tradition to have pempek to celebrate something, since it is our traditional most favorite cuisine. hhe Moreover, everyone likes pempek and never got bored with it. Pempek is extremely delicious. I hope that one day, our Palembang Pempek can be in the list of most hunted International food. hihihi

Sedangkan makanan kecilnya ada es cendol, aneka kue, lemper dan pempek. Sekilas info, kebanyakan orang Palembang jika sedang mengadakan & merayakan acara, serta hari perayaan pasti "pempek" selalu disajikan. Semua suka pempek dan berkali-kali memakannya tidak akan bosan. Pempek benar-benar lezat! Mudahan suatu saat Pempek bisa go international didunia kuliner.

This is the second floor view of Hillside Restaurant and Cafe
 Hill Side Restaurant & Cafe is more suitable for family time. Nevertheless, I think it is also suitable for teenager. Unfortunately. I didn't get much information about the menu and the price because there wasn't any menu on that day. Luckily, the owner told me that the price is around IDR 60.000,- or IDR 70.000,-
Hill Side Resto & Cafe ini lebih ke segmen keluarga. Kalau menurut saya, Hill Side Resto & Cafe ini juga cocok juga di segmen anak muda. Untuk menu makanan & harganya saya sendiri kurang tahu, karena saat kesini tidak ada tampilan menu. Kata owner-nya harganya itu kisaran IDR 60rb s/d 70rb. 

Now, Lets talk about the owner, even I forgot to take a picture with them *so sad*. The owner are 2 young brothers. The older brother is around 30 years old and the younger brother is 21. his age is around my age. hihi
Ngomong-ngomong soal ownernya, saya lupa loh foto sama mereka. Ownernya kakak adik yang masih muda banget. Kakaknya mungkin usianya kurang dari 30tahun sedangkan adiknya lahir tahun 92. Kemungkinan usia sahabatnya saya dan ownernya samaan.

Somehow, I do not know what happen, maybe because this Restaurant is new and fresh, the waitress are quite slow and seems confused about what to do. But, it's ok! they can learn more about what to do dealing with costumers later on.
Tetapi, saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi, mungkin karena restaurant ini masih baru dan segar, pelayannya agak lamban dan terlihat bingung. Tapi gak masalah kok! Mereka bisa belajar lebih banyak tentang konsumen nantinya.

And once again Congratulation for Hillside Restaurant and Cafe opening ceremony! Hope this restaurant will run smooth and success! Good Luck!
Dan sekali lagi selamat atas pembukaan Hillside Restaurant and Cafe! Saya berharap restaurant baru ini bisa berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses. Semoga beruntung!

Hillside Restaurant and Cafe
Taman Kenten road, beside Futsal field (near Pempek 888)
0711-562 5578
Hillside Restaurant and Cafe
Jalan Taman Kenten, disamping lapangan Futsal (Dekat Pempek 888)
0711-562 5578

This review is written based on the truth and writer's experience.
Review ini di buat dengan sejujur-jujurnya dan berdasarkan pengalaman penulis. 

1 komentar:

  1. Looks like a great place. Congratulations to the owners! Propserity to the restuarant. :-)
