Hi readers? Hhi what are
you doing right now? Do you have something special on your week? I hope you
have one then. Hihihi
By the way, back on the
first day of march, My friend and I followed an event in my city which was very
amazing. The name of the event is Run and
Colour Party. So, judging from the name, I can tell you readers that it is
actually for health and fun. Because I had to run for 5 km (it’s not really
tiring if you are doing it with your best friend actually) . in adition, while
we were running, there will be some guys who spread the color powder to all of
our body.
Halo readers! hihi kalian sedang ngapain sekarang? Emm, kalian punya sesuatu yang spesial minggu ini? well, Saya berharap readers punya ya. hihihi
ngomong-ngomong tentang hari pertamaku di bulan maret, aku dan teman-teman baikku mengikuti acara Run and Color Party. Kalau kita lihat dari namanya, kita bisa tebak kan readers, kalau acara ini sebenarnya untuk kesehatan dan juga bersenang-senang. Karena readers, kita harus lari 5 km loh! (tapi enggak bakalancapek kok kalau kita lari nya sama temen-temen baik kita). Oh ya, waktu kita sedang lari, nanti di beberapa tempat kita akan di lempar bubuk-bubuk berwarna.
ngomong-ngomong tentang hari pertamaku di bulan maret, aku dan teman-teman baikku mengikuti acara Run and Color Party. Kalau kita lihat dari namanya, kita bisa tebak kan readers, kalau acara ini sebenarnya untuk kesehatan dan juga bersenang-senang. Karena readers, kita harus lari 5 km loh! (tapi enggak bakalancapek kok kalau kita lari nya sama temen-temen baik kita). Oh ya, waktu kita sedang lari, nanti di beberapa tempat kita akan di lempar bubuk-bubuk berwarna.
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My lovely hair. hahahha I felt like Ketty Pery you know |
Before that, we all got
the same t-shirt (which can we cut and change), glasses, bracelet, and a
number. The event itself took place in BKB (Benteng Kuto Besak) Palembang,
Sum-Sel. This event will also be held in Jambi, Lampung and so many others cities in Indonesia. opps, we have to pay for the registration, IDR.100.000,-
Sebelum acara ini berlangsung, kami mendapatkan kaos yang bisa kita kreasikan sendiri, kaca mata, gelang dan nomor dada. Acara ini bertempat di BKB (Benteng Kuto Besak) Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Acara Run and Color Party ini juga kana diadakan di Jambi, Lampung dan berbagai kota lainnya di Indonesia. Kita harus bayar uang pendaftaran loh, hanya IDR.100.000,-
After we run for about 5 km, we would back to BKB again, and there would be some DJ. So we danced and played together reader!
That's extremely FUN!! dancing with other 5500 people in that event!
Setelah berlari sepanjang 5km, kita akan kembali ke tempat awal, yaitu BKB dan akan ada DJ yang meainkan musik sehingga semua peserta bisa menari dan bermain bersama.
Sangat seru loh! menari bersama 5500 peserta lainnya. hahahh
This is my before and after followed that event. hahahahha before photo was really good, wasn't it? my hair was still good looking enough. but after? OMG I couldn't say a word. hahahha
Ini adalah fot sebelum dan sesudah mengikuyi Run and Color Party. Liha foto sebelum nya, aku masih terlihat rapi kan? Sesudah?? OMG, sangat berwarna warni.. hahahha
glasses? OMG that's really important readers. I uses lens contact for my eyes, and if that powder come in to my eyes, it would be terrible time.
Kacamata sangat penting loh readers, karena saya menggunakan soflen, maka akan sangat gawat jika ada bubuk warna yang masuk ke mata saya. oleh karena itu saya tidak pernah melepas kaca mata saya. hahaha
do you have this event in your city too? please share. hihihi
apakah kalian memiliki acara yang sama di kota anda? Mari bagikan cerita kalian readers. hahah
Sebelum acara ini berlangsung, kami mendapatkan kaos yang bisa kita kreasikan sendiri, kaca mata, gelang dan nomor dada. Acara ini bertempat di BKB (Benteng Kuto Besak) Palembang, Sumatera Selatan. Acara Run and Color Party ini juga kana diadakan di Jambi, Lampung dan berbagai kota lainnya di Indonesia. Kita harus bayar uang pendaftaran loh, hanya IDR.100.000,-
After we run for about 5 km, we would back to BKB again, and there would be some DJ. So we danced and played together reader!
That's extremely FUN!! dancing with other 5500 people in that event!
Setelah berlari sepanjang 5km, kita akan kembali ke tempat awal, yaitu BKB dan akan ada DJ yang meainkan musik sehingga semua peserta bisa menari dan bermain bersama.
Sangat seru loh! menari bersama 5500 peserta lainnya. hahahh
Can you find me readers? hahahha |
Ini adalah fot sebelum dan sesudah mengikuyi Run and Color Party. Liha foto sebelum nya, aku masih terlihat rapi kan? Sesudah?? OMG, sangat berwarna warni.. hahahha
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Before run and color party. hahahha |
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After run and color party event! |
glasses? OMG that's really important readers. I uses lens contact for my eyes, and if that powder come in to my eyes, it would be terrible time.
Kacamata sangat penting loh readers, karena saya menggunakan soflen, maka akan sangat gawat jika ada bubuk warna yang masuk ke mata saya. oleh karena itu saya tidak pernah melepas kaca mata saya. hahaha
do you have this event in your city too? please share. hihihi
apakah kalian memiliki acara yang sama di kota anda? Mari bagikan cerita kalian readers. hahah
I love these games!!!Total fun!
BalasHapuswhat a fun and colorful event! we also had a color run event in our country before but too bad i was not able to join.. hope to join another next time! :)
BalasHapusI have recenlty gone to a similar event and it was an awesome experience. Everyone was filled in colours and we had a great day. I suppose the same was with you guys there.
BalasHapusIt must have been a lot of FUN. I have yet to join a color run, looks interesting and it's quite different from the usual runs. I wonder though, do the colors easily wash off?
BalasHapusHeyyy...they had one in Malaysia too!/ but before u could register it was full :( great pics....and nice rainbow hair :p
BalasHapusahaha! your hair looked like it was perfectly dyed rainbow colours intentionally! there's a lot of runs in my country, even hello kitty run and zombie run, but we don't have such colour runs yet.
BalasHapuswe have this in the uk and i still need to join it! hopefully this year :D
BalasHapusI've heard a lot about color runs and have always wanted to attend one of them. They look like so much fun and you get to meet some really interesting people. It sure looked like you had a great time.
BalasHapusColour Run seems to be an international event, it's trending everywhere! It looked like you have had loads of fun and ended it colourfully!...
BalasHapusWe're having a color run here this month as well! Glad you enjoyed the lively colorful after party!!
BalasHapusI have seen some friends joining similar run. This looks fun. Thanks for the tip about wearing glasses for those who wear contacts.
BalasHapusThis one hell of a fun event that you have joined. We also have Color run in our country.
BalasHapusColour run really add interesting element to a normal marathon.. Enjoy and keep exercising!
BalasHapusI've been to several color runs. It's really fun and refreshing joining them.
BalasHapusI've love these color runs as they get people pumped up and ready to do more exercise.. Love it.
BalasHapusThis is fun! I always wanted to join a fun run like this!
BalasHapuslooks like you really have fun. a similar color run was held here in PHL too but I was not able to join...maybe next time. - KarenT